• Alicia Scherson
    (Chile, 1974)

    Nace en Santiago de Chile en 1974. Estudia Biología en la Universidad Católica, profesión que abandona en 1994 para irse a Cuba a estudiar cine. En la isla filma en 16 mm. cortometrajes y documentales, que muestra en diversos festivales.

    En 1999 parte a Chicago con una beca Fulbright, donde estudia un Master of Fine Arts. En Estados Unidos graba en video pequeñas ficciones y obras experimentales, las que son exhibidas en galerías y festivales.

    En 2003 escribe su primer largo, Play, filmado en Santiago de Chile, y estrenado en 2005 en el Festival Tribeca, Nueva York, donde obtiene el Premio a la Mejor Dirección Novel.

    Il Futuro (2013) es su tercera película.

    Alicia Scherson (1974-) was born in Santiago, Chile. She studied biology at the Catholic (Universidad Católica) a career she abandoned in 1994 to travel to Cuba to study film. In Cuba filmed 16 mm documentary and narrative short films that were shown at different film festivals.

    In 1999, she traveled to Chicago, USA with a Fulbright scholarship to take a Master of Fine Arts. In the United States filmed in video narrative and experimental short films that were screened at film Festivals and galleries.

    In 2003, she wrote her first feature film Play, shot in the city of Santiago in 2004.

    In April 2005, this film was released at the Tribeca film Festival in New York, USA, where it won the award for Best New Director.

    Il Futuro (2013) is her third feature film.

    Referencias en el Portal:

    Play, 2005, Dirección
    Il Futuro (El futuro), 2013, Dirección
    Vida de familia, 2016, Dirección
    Vida en familia, 2017, Dirección

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