• Natalia Orozco

    Directora y guionista de documentales y reportajes periodísticos de investigación sobre temas internacionales y de Derechos Humanos, en ellos, Guantánamo ¿hasta cuándo? (2011), Gitanos, ciudadanos sin patria (2013), Benghazi, más allá del frente armado (2013). Ganadora del Premio nacional de Periodismo Simón Bolívar 2010 y 2012. Cofundadora del Portal periodístico independiente @las2orillas. Dirigió El silencio de los fusiles (2017).

    Colombian. Filmmaker and independent news correspondent. Two-time winner of the Simon Bolivar National Journalism Award (2010 and 2011). I have a BA on journalism and a Master’s in Political Sciences. Also second Master’s in Humanitarian Aide from Sorbonne University. For 10 years, I have been assigned by news outlets to cover elections, wars, and geopolitical conflicts for American and European international media (NTN24, UNIVISION, CADENA SER, RFI) I have participate in documentaries made by Discovery Channel, ZDF and Arte Germany. My more recent documentaries reflect a critical approach to the human costs of the wars. See “Guantanamo Until When?” a documentary shot in Guantanamo Bay prison. I have also worked on the contradictions surrounding emigration debates and the stigmatization of minorities and vulnerable social groups (see documentary about European treatment of ethnic Gypsies).

    Referencias en el Portal:

    El silencio de los fusiles (When the Guns Go Silenced), 2017, Dirección

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