• One people

    Roy is a handsome black Surinam man who studies in the Netherlands. He is recalled by telegram to Suriname because his mother is dying. His Dutch girlfriend Karina (Willeke van Ammelrooy) lends him money for a plane ticket. Back in his homeland, Roy soon becomes obsessed with his own country and its culture. When he falls for the Hindu nurse Rubia, the conservative Hindu and African communities are in revolt. Roy will not return to the Netherlands to finish his studies, even if Karina comes to pick him up. His duty is in Suriname, he says.

    Titulo Original: Wan Pipel
    Dirección: Pim de la Parra
    Idioma Original: Inglés
    Formato: 35 mm
    Categoría: Ficción
    Tipo: Color
    Duración: 111 min min.
    Año de producción: 1976
    Productora: Nederlands Fonds voor de Film, Scorpio Film Productions
    Guión: Rudi Kross, Albert Helman
    Producción: Wim Verstappen
    Edición: Jutta Brandstaedter
    Música: Hugo van Ams
    Intérpretes: Borger Breeveld, Willeke van Ammelrooy and Diana Gangaram Panday

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