• Cazuza. O Tempo Não Pára


    Biopic sobre Cazuza, uno de los líderes del movimiento de rock brasileño de los años 80.

    Basada en el libro homónimo de Lucinha Araújo.

    The "daddy's boy" Cazuza is a dysfunctional, drug and booze addicted, homosexual that disrespects basic social rules and terrible and irresponsible son and man. He loves his freedom, his friend and singing with his garage band, Barão Vermelho. His career is built by chance because he needs to work and his father and president of phonographic industry Som Livre gives a job opportunity in his company as a simple employee. His talent is found by his direct chief Zeca, who convinces Cazuza's father to release his album. In the top of his career, he leaves the Barão Vermelho and finds that he has Aids.

    Titulo Original: Cazuza. O Tempo Não Pára
    Dirección: Walter Carvalho, Sandra Werneck
    País(es): Brasil
    Idioma Original: Portugués
    Categoría: Ficción
    Tipo: Color
    Duración: 100 min.
    Año de producción: 2004
    Productora: Columbia TriStar do Brasil
    Distribuidora: Columbia TriStar do Brasil
    Guión: Fernando Bonassi, Victor Navas
    Producción: Daniel Filho
    Fotografía: Walter Carvalho
    Edición: Sérgio Mekler
    Música: Guto Graça Mello
    Dirección Artística: Cláudio Amaral Peixoto
    Intérpretes: Daniel de Oliveira, Marieta Severo, Reginaldo Faria, Andréa Beltrão, Leandra Leal, Emílio de Mello, Cadu Favero, André Gonçalves
    Otra(s) informacion(es):

    Fondo(s) de la Biblioteca Digital asociados a esta película:

    Cazuza, o tempo não para (video)

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