• Carmen, la que contaba dieciséis años

    Sinopsis: Carmen, hermosa muchacha de La Guaira, se ve envuelta en un alboroto y es encarcelada por José Navarro, sargento de la Guardia Nacional. Al poco tiempo, él se enamora de ella y comienza a colaborar con los contrabandistas hasta que aparece el torero Reverte, quien a su vez se siente atraído por la joven, creando un conflicto amoroso que finalizará en tragedia.

    The old story repeats itself, in another time, and another place. End of the 1970s, at La Guaira seaport, a strapping sixteen-year old Carmen is the girl that attract all males' eyes. Female rivalries and hot tempers leads her into a fight with an older woman smuggler, La Perícia, at the municipal market. Carmen cuts the other woman's face. José Navarro, sergeant of Guardia Nacional on duty, arrests her, and takes her in a truck to the police station. The way is short, but the time of touching his face with a blossoming red rose, José is love with Carmen. For her, he will betray his uniform, he will lose his grade, and he will even kill, becoming the leader of her gang of smugglers. Félix Reverte, a young and daring bullfighter, comes to town where he will perform his art of killing the bull in the arena, soon; he too, becomes madly in love with Carmen, and the girl becomes obsessed with his courtship, rejecting her older lover.

    Titulo Original: Carmen, la que contaba dieciséis años
    Dirección: Román Chalbaud
    País(es): Venezuela
    Idioma Original: Español
    Formato: 35 mm
    Categoría: Ficción
    Tipo: Color
    Duración: 90 min.
    Año de producción: 1978
    Productora: Gente de Cine C.A.
    Guión: Gustavo Michelena, José Ignacio Cabrujas
    Edición: Guillermo Carrera
    Música: Vytas Brenner
    Sonido: Nelson Bolívar
    Intérpretes: Mayra Alejandra, Miguelángel Landa, William Moreno, Berta Moncayo, Arturo Calderón, Rafael Briceño, Nancy Soto, José Rodríguez, Manolo Vásquez
    Fotografía: César Bolívar

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