Sinopsis: Drama que se desarrolla en una típica caleta en el norte de Perú. María y los pescadores entretejen sus sueños como una red que la vida, al igual que la corriente del mar, se encargará de zarandear.
A small town and an explosive relationship prove to be a volatile mix in the drama La Carnada. Maria (Monica Sanchez) lives in a Peuvian fishing village where she was a foundling, literally drifting into town on a raft as a child. Maria now works with her husband (Orlando Felices) on his fishing boat, but her wild side has never quite gone away. The couple are expecting a child and need money, so the husband leaves her side to take a job on a trawler. Maria, however, is furious at this news, and even her best friend worries that Maria's free-spirited nature has decayed into a vengeful exhibitionism when she strips to her skin and swims nude for the benefit of the entire community. Director Marianne Eyde was born in Norway, but later emigrated to Peru, where La Carnada was filmed.
Fondo(s) de la Biblioteca Digital asociados a esta película:
Cine Peruano: Una imagen en el mundo.La Nueva Ley de Cine (multimedia)