Sinopsis: Una madre celestina se propone encontrar una casa en un vecindario apropiado para ella, alejar a su hija del mecánico que la asedia y buscarle un buen partido. No escatima esfuerzos, en su planificación de una cadena de permutas en la que involucra innumerables personas y viviendas, que le proporcionará la mansión con la que sueña. Solo que no ha contado con las decisiones de su hija. In this comedy, Gloria (Rosita Fornes) is a feisty middle-aged woman determined to get a place to live in the very trying, overcrowded city. Her task is comparable to finding a low-rent apartment in New York, made all the more difficult by her daughter Yolanda (Isabel Santos) who keeps changing plans about where she wants to live (Gloria has every intention of moving in with Yolanda). At first, Yolanda becomes engaged to a terrific graphic artist, and mom wheedles a luxurious place to live out of a susceptible elderly woman. But Yolanda puts her marriage plans on hold when she meets Pepe and causes her mother to begin arranging other housing accommodations. Before long, poor mom has so many housing balls juggling in the air that it is certain they are all going to fall down with a crash.
1984, Asociación Cubana de la Prensa Cinematográfica, Selección Anual, Seleccionado entre los filmes más significativos del año 1984, Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, Edición 6º, Ficción, Tercer Premio Coral
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