“Nuestro objetivo final es nada menos que lograr la integración del cine latinoamericano. Así de simple, y así de desmesurado”.
Gabriel García Márquez
Presidente (1927-2014)


  • El Festival de Cine de Trinidad y Tobago celebra 10º aniversario con 10 Clásicos del Cine Caribeño

    Se ha dado a conocer la primera selección de filmes que participarán en la 10º edición del Festival de Cine de Trinidad y Tobago (TTFF). Se trata de las películas que integran la muestra Diez Clásicos del Cine Caribeño, que representará a 9 países de la región, en honor al 10 aniversario del Festival.

    “Muchos desconocen que hace tiempo que existe una industria cinematográfica caribeña, o que casi todos los países de la región han producido largometrajes”, afirmó Bruce Paddington, fundador y director del TTFF. 

    La muestra de clásicos caribeños se exhibe también como reconocimiento al lanzamiento de la Base de Datos de Filmes Caribeños -una iniciativa cofinanciada por el programa de la ACP Cultures+, con fondos de la Unión Europea, e implementada por el Grupo de Estados de ACP- un recurso online que contiene información sobre más de 600 largometrajes independientes realizados en o sobre el Caribe.

    Filmes en la muestra

    Memorias del subdesarrollo (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Cuba, 1968)

    The Harder They Come (Perry Henzell, Jamaica, 1972)

    Bim (Hugh A. Robertson, Trinidad y Tobago, 1974)

    One People (Pim de la Parra, Suriname, 1976)

    Man By the Shore (Raoul Peck, Haití, 1983)

    Rue cases nègres (Calle de chozas negras) (Euzhan Palcy, Martinica, 1983)

    Un pasaje de ida (Agliberto Menéndez, República Dominica, 1988)

    Lo que le pasó a Santiago, (Jacobo Morales, Puerto Rico, 1989)

    Ava and Gabriel: A Love Story (Felix de Rooy, Curazao, 1990)

    Fresa y chocolate (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea y Juan Carlos Tabío, Cuba, 1993)

    Celebrating 10 Years of Caribbean Film, 2015 T+T Film Festival Sets Caribbean Classics Sidebar

    The 2015 trinidad+tobago film festival (ttff), which celebrates films from and about the Caribbean and its diaspora, as well as from world cinema, has unveiled its first selections for this year’s edition of the Festival (September 15–29) - an early look at a lineup that comprises of 10 classic Caribbean films, representing 9 different countries, that will screen in a special sidebar in honor of the festival's 10th anniversary.

    “Many people are unaware that there has been a Caribbean film industry for quite some time, or that almost every country in the region has produced feature films,” said Bruce Paddington, ttff Founder and Festival Director. “We are therefore very proud to present ten of the very best classic films from the Caribbean that will help one to appreciate and enjoy the rich diversity of the region.”

    In addition to screening in honor of the Festival’s 10th anniversary, these classics will also screen in recognition of the launch of the Caribbean Film Database - an initiative co-financed by the ACP Cultures+ Program, funded by the European Union and implemented by the ACP Group of States - which is an online resource containing information on over 600 independent feature length films made in and about the Caribbean.

    The full lineup of 10 Caribbean film classics, a few you'd recognize (we've covered on this blog), follows below:

    Memories of the Underdevelopment (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Cuba, 1968)

    The Harder They Come (Perry Henzell, Jamaica, 1972)

    Bim (Hugh A. Robertson, Trinidad and Tobago, 1974)

    One People (Pim de la Parra, Suriname, 1976)

    Man By the Shore (Raoul Peck, Haiti, 1983)

    Sugar Cane Alley (Euzhan Palcy, Martinique, 1983)

    One Way Ticket (Agliberto Menéndez, Dominican Republic, 1988)

    What Happened to Santiago (Jacobo Morales, Puerto Rico, 1989)

    Ava and Gabriel: A Love Story (Felix de Rooy, Curaçao, 1990)

    Strawberry and Chocolate (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, Cuba, 1993)

    The rest of the 2015 trinidad+tobago film festival lineup will be announced over the coming months.

    For more information about the festival, whose goal is also to assist in the growth of Caribbean cinema via a comprehensive annual program, visit ttfilmfestival.com.

    The ttff is presented by Flow and given leading sponsorship by bpTT, and supporting sponsorship by the Embassy of the United States of America.

    Resumen por: Fidel Jesús Quirós (texto original en inglés)

    (Fuente: Indiwire.com)



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